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Case Study Submission
Case Studies
Be a part of this exciting website. Submit your own case study and become a member of the Design Best Practice (DBP) initiative, with the chance of getting your company name, logo and website link on
All successful case studies will be published on accompanied by the authors name, company logo and link to the company�s website in the contributors register. This will also be accompanied by an e-certificate acknowledging the successful contribution of the case study.
If you have an idea for a case study, or even if you are uncertain of what we are looking for, please complete the Submission Template as far as you can and e-mail to
Some helpful pointers can be found on the Guidelines link.
Submissions are continuously reviewed throughout the year, with an award being made annually for the best case study received during the previous 12 months.
We have 2 levels of membership for contributors and both are awarded a certificate.
These levels are;
Associate Member - This category of membership will be offered to interested companies upon submission and acceptance of a design best practice example.
Member - Initially consisting of founder member companies who are currently active with 'DBP'.
Admission to full MEMBER will follow an assessment of the company within a 12 month qualifying period of joining at Associate Level.