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Please type in a search word or phrase below to find a Case Study which meets you requirements.
This facility will now search for any of the PDF case studies located in this website.
Below is a brief explanation of the different options which can be used for finding case studies hosted on the website.
Search Via Search Box
This is a simple search to use if you are looking for a particular keyword.
The search is accessed by typing the required keyword into the search box housed in the left hand navigation panel, or on this page and then clicking the FIND button.
Search Via Industry Categorised Buttons
This search is useful if you are looking for case studies with a particular field in mind, for example structural or electrical.
Use the buttons on the Home/Welcome page to access these listings.
Search Via Navigation Panel
This search allows case studies to be listed due to differing criteria, for example CPI Index or SHE Index.
Use the left hand side navigation panel to select the desired listing criteria and click to activate.