We would like to send our congratulations to Chris Achilles and Harry Peers Steelwork on their 2013 ECIA RISE award for Best General Contractor.
Chris who works as Design Manager at Peers is a crucial member of DBP and long term contributor of many submissions to the site.
A quote from the Peers website reads;
"The judges were highly impressed with Peers' overall attitude to site safety, in particular to the numerous Design Best Practice examples issued by Design Manager Chris Achilles through the company's long running association with the Design Best Practice website which are also being shared via the ECIA best practice showcase on their website"
The star system has now been retrospectively applied to all case studies on the site. 63 of the 204 case studies have been awarded a . Congratulations to all.
We are pleased to announce that the best Case Study for 2012/13 has been awarded to Paul Bussey of Diohas for his submission DBP00177 - Improved Piling Safety. Pictured below centre is Chris Achilles of DBP accepting the award on Paul's behalf.
Here is Pauls winning submission which came via the HSE and Arup.
Runner up awards were made to Brian Woodward of Boulting Group for his submission DBP00183 - Led Lighting and to Andrew Millard of Morgan Sindall for his submission DBP00188 - Pre Cast Unit Turning Plate.
These submissions are shown below.
Great news that dbp has now reached the 200 Case Study Milestone.
Robert Jackson of Boulting group has submitted this case study on Wireless Kinetic Switches.
Thanks to Robert for taking us past this memorable landmark and thanks also to everyone who has submitted one of the previous 199 Case Studies.
Pats on the back all around!
Next stop 250 Case Studies, see the submissions page if you would like to help get us there.
As always we would be delighted to hear any comments you may have, please use the Linked In Group to contact us.
The first four Case Studies have been added for 2013.
Case Studies DBP00196, DBP00197, DBP00198 and DBP00199 are now on the site.
Many thanks to new contributor Tony Murphy of Hutchinson Engineering, Chris Achilles of Peers Steelwork, Robert Jackson and Brian Forshaw of Boulting Group for these submissions.
As always we would be delighted to hear any comments you may have, please use the Linked In Group to contact us.